Space Ventures Investors (SVI) has over 10 years experience in researching space investing.
SVI is independent, has to date invested its own capital, and provided mainly pre-seed and seed funding to space start-ups. As part of the investing process SVI has undertaken Due Diligence, examining new and evolving technology and growing markets.
Case Studies:
SVI is independent, has to date invested its own capital, and provided mainly pre-seed and seed funding to space start-ups, and previously invested in selected space equities. As part of the investing process SVI has undertaken Due Diligence, including examining new and evolving technology and growing markets.
BirdsEyeView: InsurTech. Leveraging EO for agriculture insurance.
SpaceSense: Leveraging downstream EO data for agriculture and building unique AI tools
Vake: Maritime surveillance of dark ships, a growing theme in defence and environmental industries.
WeGaw: Using EO data to measure snowfall that will eventually power Hydroelectricity.
Space Stocks
SVI has also bought and sold space stocks based on prudent evaluation of technology, business models, and market conditions. Note: Investing in space stocks is inherently risky because volatility of favoured space stocks (up and down) plus market conditions create intersecting cycles.
SVI has created a general research platform for investors who are interesting in investing in space stocks and fund.
Space Investing as a Service
SVI offers services in this field, from workshopping concepts, to research, pitching, to launches and to campaigns.
- Analysis of concepts in relation to the Strategic Space Value Chain.
- Preliminary forecasting of demand, customers, and end-markets for the space sector.
- Strategic decision making, e.g. is the concept worth scaling-up or just a niche space tech innovation.
Technology Overview
What technology already exists, what has to re-tooled, what has to be developed, and who are the stakeholders involved? SVI can provide a technology roadmap for growing a new business in emerging space commerce sectors.
Business Models
SVI is active in modelling space products, from earth observation software right through to orbiting infrastructure projects, forecasting demand out to 10 or 20 years in the growing space and CisLunar economy.
Financing Roadmap
SVI can assist in the planning for financing now and in the future, identifying incubators and seed investors, and lastly the potential future investors (e.g. Series A, B) and their preferences.
Business Development
- Market research: Further defining and refining the commercial space product or service in relation to international competitors.
- Marketing strategies: Setting and refining Key Performance Indicators and Milestones.
- Conducting Campaigns; B2B, GOV, B2C etc.
- Specific Business Development: target the right customers with the right approach.
- Closing deals.
- Exits (two to date).